Rutger ter Borg wrote:
Dear list,

I'm looking for a groupware solution and SOGo looks like a good candidate. I'm focusing on the virtual (multi) domain features. I'm running a virtual hosting setup based on Phamm (LDAP based virtual account management). * All my usernames are in the form of e-mail addresses. Is it possible to have the SOGoMailDomain equal to %d where %d is the domain-part of the username?

Nope. You need to define your SOGo domains manually. Note that a "SOGo domain" is more than a "mail domain". Each SOGo domain can in turn include its own "SOGoMailDomain".

* Can SOGo use other caldav / carddav backends (e.g., Apple's Calendar server)?

What do you mean by this?

* Is an option like SOGoSpamFolderName available?

Nope, as there is currently no spam reporting mechanism? Is the feature you would like the ability to move emails to that folder whenever a "Report this as spam" button would be clicked?

* For e-mail, does SOGo use IMAP IDLE when used through Funambol, or does it poll, or does it assume IMAP itself is used?

SOGo makes use of IMAP but does not use "IDLE" as it is stateless. Funambol, as used as a middleware for SOGo, does not.


Wolfgang Sourdeau  ::  +1 (514) 447-4918 ext. 125  ::
Inverse inc. Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence (

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