On Tue, 14 Sep 2010, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

On 14/09/10 5:50 PM, Chris Hobbs wrote:
      Hi All,

      We regularly have users with relatively modern computers complain that 
their browser sessions freeze with warnings of slow or unresponsive scripts
      in SOGo. These users are running Firefox 2.x and 3.6.6-9 on both Mac and 
Windows, as well as Safari on Macs.

      Of course, I can't seem to reproduce it myself, so it's hard to get a 
handle on what causes it. A few of the users have 2000-4000 messages in
      their INBOX, but others have 100-300, so it doesn't seem to be a volume 

      Any ideas on how to start troubleshooting this?

How about the number of mailboxes?

Many of our users have same problem.
I think memory consummation by automatic mailbox reloading can stay behind this problem.
Try following two cases:
1) - login into SOGo, Mail module, open non-empty Inbox
   - do nothing and keep browser in this statement
   - open 'top' and see memory allocated by browser
   - this allocated memory grows and grows on every mailbox reload and
     is released until logout from SOGo
2) - login into SOGo, Mail module, open empty mail folder
   - allocated memory doesn't grow on reloads


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