Le 2010-11-02 15:56, Martin Rabl a écrit :

Am 02.11.2010 um 19:44 schrieb Wolfgang Sourdeau:
Le 2010-11-01 12:34, Allen Chen a écrit :
Yes, those are only timezone identifiers. Nothing to worry about.
Hm. But why you are using this identifiers?

Why not?

It just make sense to use the "/inverse.ca" prefix becauyse the timezone ics database provided with SOGo has been generated from us. Mozilla provides their own too.

But it does not matter, because the timezones are self contained. SOGo computes the timezone from the timezone records when computing the event displays.
Wolfgang Sourdeau  ::  +1 (514) 447-4918 ext. 125  ::  wsourd...@inverse.ca
Inverse inc. Leaders behind SOGo (sogo.nu) and PacketFence (www.packetfence.org)


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