Am 15.11.2010 17:51, schrieb Martin (Lists):
Am 24.10.2010 13:13, schrieb Martin (Lists):

since a few weeks I have a double loginbox with my thunderbird. If I use
the first one my Mail account is enabled (the addressbook/calendar does
not follow), if I use the second one the calendar/addressbook is enabled
and mails follows some minutes later. I am not realy sure, if I had the
problem with Thunderbirs 2 as well. IS anyone else seeing this issue?

Since the recent updates (Thunderbird/Sogo plugin) I can no longer chose
the login boxes. After login the previously selected mailfolder is not
accessable. If I select an other one, the status line says that there is
a complete reconnect and I can see a short popup of the login dialog.
All other mailfolders are accessable afterwards besides the first one.
This one takes about one or two minutes to get updated.

What can be the reason for the two login boxes? Thunderbirds error
console has nothing to tell. cyrus does not report any error.

Just a new update on this. It seems to be a problem with windows network (Wireless, VPN). Shortly after windows (XP, 7) login I got the login problem. Starting thunderbird a few minutes later I still have two login boxes, but no problem to login.


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