Le mardi 23 novembre 2010 à 12:43 -0500, Jason Liedtke a écrit :
> Hi Everyone,


> We are just testing out Sogo and I was wondering if there a fix or a
> way to stop IE from eating up all the ram of the computer during
> normal usage of Sogo.  Each time I press the write button and it opens
> a new window it uses up 8MB of ram more and even after closing the
> window it does not release the ram.

Same problem with Firefox (on linux). I can't use the web interface open
all the day, or firefox eats all the available RAM. I don't think the
problem is on sogo side, but in the way modern web browsers manage the
memory. Only Chromium seems to be acceptable in this area (I just
refresh the whole page from time to time, and the ram is freed).

Regards, Daniel

> Regards,
> Jason

Daniel Berteaud
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Technopôle Montesquieu
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Fax : 05 56 64 15 32
Mail: dan...@firewall-services.com
Web : http://www.firewall-services.com


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