Still need some ideas on this one... thanks!


On 1/5/11 2:00 PM, Chris Hobbs wrote:
I have an odd one. I have one user (out of thousands) that is unable to see any of his mail any longer in the SOGo web interface. He can log in successfully, view his calendar and his address book, but the folder pane is empty, and the "Get Mail" and "Write" buttons do nothing.

Steps taken to trouble shoot:

1) Tried on a different computer with multiple browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari). 2) Deleted sogo user with sogo-tool. Logged back in which created sogo account successfully 3) Created account in Thunderbird to confirm IMAP was functioning correctly - it is.

I can see SOGo logging into the IMAP server in the dovecot logs, so that isn't the problem. No other users are complaining of the issue, and I've not installed any updates in at least 10 weeks. User claimed it began just before our winter break which started 12/17.

Any ideas on what to look at next?


Chris Hobbs
Director, Technology
New Haven Unified School District
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Chris Hobbs
Director, Technology
New Haven Unified School District

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