Le Mercredi 9 Mars 2011 11:16 EST, Stéphane PERON <s.pe...@free.fr> a écrit:

> Hi Wolfgang,
> When I double-click on an event, I only get the following message in the
> sogo log file :
> localhost - - [09/Mar/2011:17:12:56 GMT] "PROPFIND
> /SOGo/dav/speron/Calendar/personal43a33aed-a85a-4e73-a965-341f3b17f41c.ics
> HTTP/1.1" 404 94/127 0.004 - - 0

Hi Stéphane,

There is your bug as their should be a slash between "personal" and the 
remainder of the url.
It's strange that is occurs again because similar bugs have been fixed 2 years 
 Which versions of GNUstep and SOGO are you using?

Wolfgang Sourdeau :: +1 (514) 447-4918 ext. 125 :: wsourd...@inverse.ca
Inverse inc. Leaders behind SOGo (sogo.nu) and PacketFence (www.packetfence.org)


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