Ok .. I solved the problem by deleting the tables and reimporting them ...

Concerning the detail of appointments by double-click, all works very well, for the time being, with the two connectors and the default lightning edition ...
( I keep on being sure that there is bug in the lightning inverse edition )



Le 29/03/2011 19:34, Stéphane PERON a écrit :

I tried your tips ... But I m not satisfied so I came back to the normal configuration with inverse connectors and inverse lightning edition.

Then, I have noticed something very strange ...At the beginning of thunderbird ...

An error message appears, saying that a wrong timezone is considered as a float time zone ...

After a look in the sogo database, in my user tables, I have found : /inverse.ca/20101018_1/Europe/Paris as time zone for a few events !!

After an ics export .. save problem !!!

So I decided to replace in the database the strings "/inverse.ca/20101018_1/Europe/Paris by" "Europe/Paris"

But after a restart of sogo, I get the same error messages concerning time zone ..And I can notice in the detailed error message that my changes has not been applied !!

So my question : Is there any cache somewhere in sogo ?

Second question : what is that "/inverse.ca/20101018_1/" before the timezone ???

Le 24/02/2011 17:44, Stephan Heck a écrit :

we had the same problem - I think sogo connector/lightning are not working correctly without integrator at the moment (looks like http://www.sogo.nu/bugs/bug_view_advanced_page.php?bug_id=520). Unfortunately no feedback so far ;-(

Since we cannot use integrator we switched back to "normal" lightning. You have to disable connector when adding a calendar.

Hope this helps! Regards,

Am 23.02.2011 16:44, schrieb Stéphane PERON:
Hi all,

I have noticed this behavior with some other people :

We can create appointments in thunderbird but with a strange behavior :
When we select a time range for a fast creation .. a new appoitment is graphically created but the windows for appointment creation refuse to be opened ... The only possiblity to enter the details for an appointment is to create it by double-clicking in the column of the day .. Then the window is opened

As soon as the appointement is created, it is impossible to open it by double-clicking or right click=> open

All connectors are up to date

Thanks for your help



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