Am 06.04.2011, 23:58 Uhr, schrieb Mark Adams <>:

On 6 Apr 2011, at 20:02, "Darko Hojnik" <> wrote:

Hi there,

Currently we are using Postfix and DBmail with an LDAP backend. SOGo uses this LDAP backend too. In the future we maybe want migrate to Apache James as the solution for the mailserver. And if we do it, then we want do it without a LDAP Server. So I've got an testinstallation with Apache James 3 Milsestone3 compiled SVN using a PostgreSQL 9 Database. SOGo should be installed soon on the next days. We want that SOGo will authenticate against the Database from James

The Database,

james=> \dt
                  Liste der Relationen
Schema |           Name           |   Typ   | Eigentümer
public | james_domain             | Tabelle | james
public | james_mail               | Tabelle | james
public | james_mail_header        | Tabelle | james
public | james_mail_property      | Tabelle | james
public | james_mailbox            | Tabelle | james
public | james_mailbox_membership | Tabelle | james
public | james_subscription       | Tabelle | james
public | james_user               | Tabelle | james
public | james_virtual_user_table | Tabelle | james
public | openjpa_sequence_table   | Tabelle | james
(10 Zeilen)

Select of the table james_user,

james=> SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'james_user';
(4 Zeilen)


Now I'm asking me is that the correct Syntax for SOGoUserSources to authenticate against the database from Apache James?

SOGoUserSources =
type = sql;
id = directory;
viewURL = "postgresql://james:james@";
canAuthenticate = YES;
isAddressBook = NO;
userPasswordAlgorithm = md5;

thanks for help and suggestions

You have to pass the fields from the db to sogo specifically, as detailed in the documentation (for example name should be c_name). You can achieve this with a view in your db that sogo can call.

best regards
Darko Hojnik

Hello Mark,

After I've taken a look in the manual again, I'm a little bit confused because I didn't understand it.So I'm not shore how I have to write it correct. It's possible to write me an example for viewURL and c_name?

kind regards
Darko Hojnik

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