Hi guys,

I 've upgraded my sogo server to the last version and my problem is still there.

I dug deeply into the configuration files but the only workaround I found was to increase the following value.

SOGoCacheCleanupInterval = 300.0;

in /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/SOGo.framework/Versions/1/Resources/SOGoDefaults.plist

it is only a workaround as it increases the time between login and automatic logout whether you do actions or not. A real expiration delay would start after the last clic. In our case, even if you put ten's of appointments/events during the first 5 minutes, you will be disconnected. The time counter starts when you login not when you have made your last action. The above variable partially solves our problem but it is not design for that !


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Le 26/03/2011 20:27, DBM a écrit :
Jeff Folk a écrit , Le 25.03.2011 20:58:
On Mar 25, 2011, at 2:46 PM, DBM wrote:

this is my first post on the list.
I was convinced to try SOGo and it seems very powerful but of course not
everything works perfectly out of the box ... !

I spent some time checking the archive and even if some topic were
closed to my question none of the idea posted could solve the following

On a fresh debian installation (dpkg -l sogo > 1.3.5a) used with
postgresql instead of mysql,
no matter if you have activity, after 5 minutes you are disconnected !

lots of posts spoke about the following parameter which I did set
without any visible change :


I cheked into the database and the table sogo_sessions_folder is not
created but I read in a post that SOGo should create it by itself if it
does not exists.

Also I noticed that with or whithout this set into the GNUstepDefaults
file, I always have the following ERROR in the log file :
Mar 24 16:41:44 sogod [398]: [ERROR] <0x0xb7f38a20[GCSSessionsFolder]>
'OCSSessionsFolderURL' is not set

I also did set SOGoLoginModule = "Calendar"; but it has also no effect ... I wonder if, being in 1.3.5a, the conf file should now be XML ans is not
understood ?

I tried to increase the log verbosity but it didn't give more idea
except another evidence of a strange behaviour described below :
I guess this is not related but I have also a strange message and I
don't know where it comes from as it appears each time I move or create
an event (french text but without french characters) :
2011-03-24 16:43:21.380 sogod[398] <0x0x9c8c480[PostgreSQL72Channel]:
connection=<0x0x9d6e5e0[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x9d6e6f8>>:
message: ATTENTION:  utilisation non standard de \\ dans une chaîne
LINE 1: UPDATE sogo_user_profile     SET c_settings = '{"Calendar": ...
HINT:  Utilisez la syntaxe de chaîne d'échappement pour les antislashs,
c'est-à-dire E'\\'.

thanks for any hint or help,


Did you also restart memcached and sogod after writing the entry to the defaults file?

Hello Jeff,
you're are fast on the draw ;-)

I did restart the sogo daemon but not the memcached !
I try that and keep you informed,

I've just tried to restart the two of them but still the 5 minutes
logout and the ERROR in the log ...

by the way here is the full conf as Ludovic asks (some elements seem to
appear on a new line, they are, not it's just because of 72 char
wrapping in the mail):
    NSGlobalDomain = {
    sogod = {
        SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = YES;
        GCSFolderDebugEnabled = YES;
        GCSFolderStoreDebugEnabled = YES;
        SOGoDebugRequests = YES;
        WOApplicationRedirectURL = YES;
        NGUseUTF8AsURLEncoding = YES;
        OCSFolderInfoURL =
        SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications = NO;
        SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = NO;
        SOGoAuthenticationMethod = SQL;
        SOGoDraftsFolderName = INBOX.Drafts;
        SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications = NO;
        SOGoIMAPServer = localhost;
        SOGoLanguage = French;
        SOGoMailDomain = jm-secours.com;
        SOGoMailingMechanism = smtp;
        SOGoOtherUsersFolderName = "Other Users";
        SOGoProfileURL =
        SOGoSMTPServer = smtp-out.dbm.lan;
        SOGoSentFolderName = INBOX.Sent;
        SOGoSharedFolderName = "Shared Folders";
        SOGoTimeZone = Europe/Paris;
        SOGoTrashFolderName = INBOX.Trash;
        SOGoEnableEMailAlarms = NO;
        SOGoMailAuxiliaryUserAccountsEnabled = YES;
        SOGoUserSources = (
                canAuthenticate = YES;
                id = Interne;
                isAddressBook = YES;
                type = sql;
                userPasswordAlgorithm = md5;
                viewURL =
        WOMessageUseUTF8 = YES;
        WOParsersUseUTF8 = YES;
        WOPort = "20000";
        WOUseRelativeURLs = NO;
        WOWorkersCount = "5";
        SOGoLoginModule = "Calendar";



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