> >Yes, resources have email addresses as well. Email addresses are used to     
> >     
> >identify any object (user or resource), because email addresses are
> >unique.       
> >                                                                             
> >      
> Right, SOGo needs an mail= entry, but does postfix? How should I handle
> emails sent to a resource? If someone on the internet sends an ICS            
> invite to a resource email address, is there a method for SOGo to             
> process that? I'd like these resource emails to be fake in that emails        
> to them bounce because otherwise someone might send an email to that          
> address and expect someone to read it and I doubt the projector is going      
> to check its email. Am I missing something?                                   
Email invitations are meant to be processed by the recipient -- not by          
SOGo. There is no way for SOGo to pick up your emails.                          
In case someone sends an invitation to a resource's email address, you          
should probably take care that someone responsible for that resource is         
recieving the mail and may take apropriate action.                              
Mail aliases are cheap, fake email addresses may lead to trouble (think you     
once start using this email address for a completely different purpose and      
you long forgot you configured this address for SOGo resources).                
Just create mail aliases pointing to those people in charge for the             
resources and everything will be just fine. ;-)                                 
> >This question has been raised before. I cannot answer this for sure, but     
> >     
> >my resources have a calendar and I did not do anything special for           
> >     
> >this... ;-)                                                                  
> >     
> Hmm...  So I checked again and now I can subscribe to the calendar...         
> not sure what I was doing wrong. But the calendar is empty. If I look at      
> the db, I see no entries in the calendar. But if I look at an event           
> that I created and invited the resource to, that resource shows up with       
> a green check-mark which I take to mean that they accepted the event.         
> Freebusy also shows the resource as free.... do I have something              
> misconfigured (see previous post for details of my setup)?                    
I am afraid, I cannot help you with that. Check uid, mail and displayName       
(or whatever field you're using for that). Probably you have a (nearly)         
identical resource twice in your configuration or you used an email address     
> >It depends on what kind of notification settings you have: If you
> >globally        
> >enabled email notifications, then emails will be send.                       
> >     
> >
> I have SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications=Yes and get email                
> notifications for other events, but when I invite a resource, I do not        
> get any emails. Probably this is a symptom of the problem stated              
> previously.                                                                   
Probably you did not configure an email address for the resource?               
Actually I am not using email notifications as they are not configureable       
by user and most people here where I use SOGo consider them to be plain         
nasty and only a minority would really love to have them...                     
-- Adi                                                                          
PS: I added a page to the SOGo wiki about configuring resources. Probably       
someone wants to extend/enhance this? :-)                                       

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