Hello Dominique,

At first you could take the OpenJDK only. You should try compile Funambol with the OpenJDK and maybe you have to change something on the sources. On PPC you could get IBM Java only. You could compile Funambol with the OpenJDK on any platform. I do the same with my Javastuff to get it proper running with the OpenJDK.

best regards
Darko Hojnik

Am 06.06.2011, 17:55 Uhr, schrieb Dominique <dco...@hotmail.com>:


Since the bug thread is closed - with the issue resolved, I'll answer 'wsourdeau' here. I am running Debian Squeeze on a reformated QNAP TS 109 (Orion ARM) with 128 MB of memory. SOGo is configured with MySQL and since I'm running it for a small number of user it should do fine.

A nice .deb package with a full install would be nice for future upgrades - and future users.

Now the challenge is to setup Funambol to get the full service. So if anyone has experience in installing with success Funambol on such a small CPU, I'm willing to listen. So far, I have problems with installing Sun JAVA.


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