On 28.07.2011 14:52, Sergei Bazhin wrote:
Hi Jeff,
Thank you for the guidance. I've even found a post outside of SOGo mail archive with exactly the same description http://forums.contribs.org/index.php?topic=45658.105 To me this is a mistery - all set up as you say and still CardDAV not syncing with iPhone... maybe there's a problem with the Phone??? It is iOS 4.1...

    DAV support doesn't use the web interface. For that reason, it
    really works better being on its own VirtualHost on a separate
    port. When you browse to the DAV host, you should get a login
    prompt then a blank page.

True - I see the bank screen after login/password prompt

    So my apache config has three parts -- listen 8843 (make sure it
    is in the SSL Global Context directives, too), NameVirtualHost <>, and the VirtualHost section I
    posted earlier.

Not sure what is SSL Global Context directives - I've set up both "listen 443" and "listen 8843" inside ssl.conf file within <IfModule mod_ssl.c>

    I see that you are using a .local tld... You know that won't work
    over cellular network, right??

Yeap. I'm aware of that.

The result is that I have SOGo web interface working + CalDAV and can not get iPhone AB sync with SOGo - error message from the phone - can not establish SSL connection and account verification fails.

On apache I only have one SSL site with WebDAV enabled.
Attaching all my apache config files.

I would appreciate any idea to make that working.


 ServerName mega.local:8843"

In serverName you should not use port number.



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