Am 01.08.2011, 02:52 Uhr, schrieb Jason Wohlford <>:

On Jul 31, 2011, at 6:32 PM, Darko Hojnik wrote:

I'm currently working since one year with the combo SOGo, Postfix, DBmail, PostgreSQL and OpenLDAP. DBmail stores all mails in a PostgreSQL database and SOGo uses for itself another one. All users are stored inside a LDAP three. So I've the same users for SOGo, DBmail and Postfix inside LDAP. For less 100 users I've handled it with Apache Directory Studio. But in the future there will comes more users. Also users has asked me about a webfrontend to configure domains, users, aliases and such stuff. So I'm searching something like a web based solution. Anyone here who could suggest me something like this what is already present and OpenSource licensed?

I've found the combination of Webmin/Virtualmin to be fantastic. What I like most about Webmin compared to other control panels, is that it actually comprehends config files. One can make an edit directly with the config file or through Webmin and nothing is messed up. Other control panels such as cpanel and plesk force you to only do edits through their control panels.

Webmin/Virtualmin can handle users and groups in OpenLDAP. From there you should be good to go. This is how I manage my clients.

Best Regards,

Hello Jason

Thanks for your respond! I've taken a look on it. But it breaks our security policy. It's not a real secure solution because everybody could get your server between some seconds. In a intranet maybe OK. Bot not on a larger box directly connected to the internet. I'm looking for another again


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