Am 01.08.2011, 07:41 Uhr, schrieb Martin (Lists) <>:

Am 01.08.2011 01:32, schrieb Darko Hojnik:
Hi there

I'm currently working since one year with the combo SOGo, Postfix,
DBmail, PostgreSQL and OpenLDAP. DBmail stores all mails in a PostgreSQL
database and SOGo uses for itself another one. All users are stored
inside a LDAP three. So I've the same users for SOGo, DBmail and Postfix
inside LDAP. For less 100 users I've handled it with Apache Directory
Studio. But in the future there will comes more users. Also users has
asked me about a webfrontend to configure domains, users, aliases and
such stuff.
So I'm searching something like a web based solution. Anyone here who
could suggest me something like this what is already present and
OpenSource licensed?

I use GOsa for this. It is a fine web base ldap administration stuff
with mail storage config (so for cyrus only afaik) and is able to handle
samba, dns, ...


best regards

Hello Martin

I've taken a look on it. But how do you handle ACL about domains? For example they are two company's called foo and bar with the domains foo.tld and bar.tld. The manager of company foo is allowed to creates mailadresses with @foo.tld but it should disallowed for him to create an address with @bar.tld. I didn't found a setting to adjust a proper ACL about this.

cheers Darko

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