Our installation: SOGo 1.3.6, Thunderbird 3.1.14 + SOGo Integrator 3.105
Ldap Authentification 4 Branches (Administration, Students, Special, Associations)

In the webmail interface,

it's generate 4 address books (one per authentification branch)
+ 1 public Address Book (empty, never understand howto use it)

In Thunderbird
with sogo-integrator, to cover all the 4 branches, we manually add a more-general address book {ou=People,dc=my-domain,dc=com}
advanced settings:
-don't return more than 100 results (of 5000 entries)
-"étendue": [ ] one level, [X]sub-tree
-search filter:(objectclass=*)
-auth. method: simple

In Thunderbird, auto-completion is enabled on this addition annuary.
My problem is: that's slow
and sometimes i need to doubled type on 1 letter to let it appear in the "To:" address field.
It may be cause  of the number of possibility one the very-first letter.

Howto make it faster, and less buggy?

Configuration is through Tools > Preferences > Rédaction (3rd general Tab with the pencil) > Adressage (2nd Tab)
All cases are ticked ( local address books, Serveur d'annuaire)
Which is the first annuary took for search the result?
The one it's select in the menu? the Local address book or personnal auto-saved address? external annuary?

Is there best practices to configure address book modules with using sogo-connector?

Please tell me How to give us more information to understand my problem.
Maybe somebody else is concerned by those sort of problem?

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