Al 26/09/2011 10:08, En/na Stéphane GAUDICHE ha escrit:

In Thunderbird, auto-completion is enabled on this addition annuary.
My problem is: that's slow
and sometimes i need to doubled type on 1 letter to let it appear in the
"To:" address field.
It may be cause of the number of possibility one the very-first letter.

Howto make it faster, and less buggy?

Unfortunately, that's a known problem with, AFAIK, no solution yet.

You can mitigate the problem by setting an higher autocompletion delay for sogo-connector, the thunderbird setting is sogo-connector.autoComplete.delay, I set it to 1300 for my users, e.g.:

user_pref("sogo-connector.autoComplete.delay", 1300);

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automation Technology
Tel. +34 935883004 (Ext.133)  Fax +34 935883007

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