
After spending some time in wireshark and looking at logs our LDAP guy had
to index the following attrs in order to fix the slow queries:

cn, sn, mail, telephoneNumber, givenName and displayName

Again, once those attrs were properly indexed then and only then did LDAP
queries return in expected time frames.

On a separate LDAP topic, what is the proper filter syntax? We need to
limit results using (|(userClass=AE)(userClass=AS))
I have tried several combinations of that but each attempt leaves SOGo
unusable (users can not login).

(userClass=AE) AND (userClass=AS)

(userClass='AE') AND (userClass='AS')

((userClass=AE) AND (userClass=AS))

((userClass='AE') AND (userClass='AS')

(userClass=AE AND userClass=AS)

(userClass='AE' AND userClass='AS')

((userClass=AE AND userClass=AS))
((userClass='AE' AND userClass='AS'))

What would the proper syntax be?


On 10/14/11 10:39 AM, "Ludovic Marcotte" <> wrote:

>On 14/10/11 10:20, Didier Belhomme wrote:
>> I'm also experiencing slow LDAP query, but in my case it seems to be
>> related to a specific configuration of 389-DS (aka Fedora Directory
>> Server, aka RedHat Directory Server).
>> In our case, the test ldap server is running well (although it's a
>> small virtual machine) whereas ou production server (running on a much
>> more healthier system with 16 GB RAM) is a dog, taking sometimes 10
>> times more times to answer the same query :-/ (and yes, the data are
>> the same).
>> Did anyone experienced problems with the very latest version of 389-DS
>> (ie 389-ds-1.2.1-1.el5) on RedHat EL 5 (64bit) ? Any clue about this
>> will be very appreciated...
>You have to make sure some attributes queried by SOGo are well indexed,
>Your problem is only related to proper LDAP indexing.
>Ludovic Marcotte
>  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::
>Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence


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