hmm this don't work by me but I removed all package with

yum remove sope49-*

and then I reinstalled sogo but now I get the error

service sogod start
Starting SOGo:
<0x0x868ccd4[SOGoStartupLogger]> No configuration found. SOGo will not work properly.
  sogo (stale pid file removed)

but my default file exist


What can I do?

Am 02.11.2011 11:25, schrieb Martin (Lists):
Am 02.11.2011 10:50, schrieb Imo Graf:

can you give me a little bit more information which package I should
I wrote in another mail to this List:

Ah, thanks

That did the trick. I had old sope file lying around. Sadly these were
not updated automatically by yum update (why?). I had to remove the
following packages by hand:
- sope49-gdl1-contentstore
- sope49-ical
- sope49-cards

This remove sogo as well (dependency). After install sogo again I got
new sope-card and sope-gdl1-contentstore files. Old versions were
1.3_20110726 (ical was even older: 4.9-20100721). new Versions are
1.3.9-2 so they match the one from sogo package. sope-ial seems no
longer be needed.

Once again, many thanks to you working at SOGo, it is a awesome piece
of software.


Am 01.11.2011 15:59, schrieb Martin (Lists):
Am 01.11.2011 15:57, schrieb Imo Graf:
This is my SOGo repo. I don't use the nightly builds. How I should
update all SOPE Packages? I update all my packages with yum update
yum update did not update some sope packages (old versions were higher
than the new one). Please check each sope package if it is up to date. I
had this too and there were two sope packages missing to be updated.


name=Inverse SOGo Repository

Am 01.11.2011 15:49, schrieb Ludovic Marcotte:
On 01/11/11 10:48, Imo Graf wrote:
I updates to 1.3.9-2 and now I get this error:

/usr/sbin/sogod: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file
or directory

What can I do?
Update all SOPE packages. You likely have old SOPE packages installed
because you tried a nightly build in the past.



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