On 18/01/12 08:52, Bartłomiej Kluska wrote:
one more time many thanks for such a load of information about Outlook 
compatibility in SOGo2 beta.

Regarding to this stated below (RPC for HTTPS, Outlook anywhere). I don't know 
if I got it right, so please confirm it once more.

Lack of "Outlook anywhere" functionality in the current beta of SOGo2 prevents 
it from being able to use it outside LAN?
What LAN means in this case, one, the same broadcast domain?
So I wouldn't be able to use it in example in routed corporate network?
It would work in a routed network. It would even work if the server was exposed entirely on the Internet but of course, that's far from being a good practice.
Let's say I take the current SOGo2 and open it to Internet and assign to it a 
public domain. Will hosts with outlook clients located in the Internet be able 
to connect to this server as to Exchange server (like for example to IMAP)?
Yes but it would be very insecure and might not traverse firewalls well. For this, there is "Outlook Anywhere", and it'll likely be our next big endeavor once we get the first end-user consumable version of our native Outlook compatibility layer out.


Ludovic Marcotte
lmarco...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::  www.inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence (www.packetfence.org)


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