
I just like to confirm that I encountered similar problems with the
pre2 release with Thunderbird 10 on Mac OS X 10.6.8.

The SOGo Connector was able to fetch my contacts from my personal
ownCloud server (which has a CardDAV server builtin). However, when I
make changes to, or create a new contact in Thunderbird, these changes
are not propogated back onto the server. Even when I repeatedly click
the Synchronize button it doesn't seem to do anything...

The strange thing is I can't find any relavant messages in the error
console. Am I not looking in the right place?

Hopefully the next prerelease will resolve this issue. Thanks!

On 8 February 2012 14:58, Ludovic Marcotte <lmarco...@inverse.ca> wrote:
> On 08/02/12 14:48, d...@bakke.com wrote:
>> Had the same issue with nothing happening when hitting synchronize. (With
>> owncloud)
>> Closing down tb and doing:
>> rm ${HOME}/.thunderbird/*/extensions.sqlite
>> fixed that particular issue for me. However...
>> There appears to be a problem with contacts being duplicated on sync with
>> owncloud. It is actually a bit hard to explain, because there is no
>> obvious
>> pattern to the duplication. Not obvious to me yet, anyway.
>> Anyone else seeing that?
> We're working on two fixes that might resolve that issue. New extensions
> will likely be released tonight.

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