On 11/04/12 05:57, brigitte.marchi...@irit.fr wrote:
we made an up-to-day sogo 13.8 in 1.3.14
Since the time diaries are incorrect.
Repeating events have lost 1 or 2 hours and when I create an event, it was 2
hours late.
By cons, some events will be displayed with the correct time but when I
clicked, the popup shows me 2 hours less.

We use a Mysql database.
Everything was okay in 1.3.8

What might bee this error?
Can you reproduce it on sogo-demo.inverse.ca? I've just tried on my development machine with America/Montreal and Europe/Paris as timezones and it works as expected.

Moreover, show your complete list of installed GNUstep, SOPE and SOGo packages.

Ludovic Marcotte
+1.514.755.3630  ::  www.inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


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