Am 11.05.2012 09:28, schrieb Netwo Dist:
Ok. How do I remove it all then? All these packages named with inverse at the end? I removed sogo etc, its just some packages left and if I want to remove then aptget wants to remove loads more like apache slapd etc.
Simplest way is to remove the sogo repositories from the sources.list

The start aptitude and remove the packages in the section "Obsolete and Locally Created Packages" Of course don't blindly remove them all, perhaps you installed other software as well

I think they somehow superseeded some packages from official repo, whish is unfair
Sogo for sure did not superseed slapd, apache etc.
but sometimes another version of the apache workers is needed, then apt-get/aptitude just switch over to the required versions.
And when you remove sogo, then they often switch back....


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