Now don't get me wrong, I like the idea and would like to see that implemented too. Would be nice to let users make/use their preferred design.
And by "fruity" I meant the one with the apple on it, not windows ;)
I know some apple super-fans, that said that sogo looks hideous..
I disagreed there and they immediately jumped my throat :/


On 06/18/2012 03:54 PM, Fonzy wrote:
Wow ! Thank you guy's ... serious !

Where did you learn to read ?

I'm not saying that I would like SOGo to be a clone of Exchange Web UI,
I only ask if it's possible to make SOGo skinable.
If I only would like to clone Exchange, I don't ask to SOGo be skinable,
I ask only to change the Web UI to match the Exchange one.
The Exchange Web UI is an example ! Roundcube Webmail is another !

So, please, don't jump on any word to make some quick conclusions and
avoid this kind of association: Exchange users are only Windows geeks.
Cause if you follow SOGo with native outlook compatibility, it implies
that you use MS Outlook, so, you're also have your "fruity" mail client !

I'm an experimented Linux user. (it may be better to install and
configure SOGo, is'nt ?).

So my question remain !


2012/6/18 Bruno Lingner (Hugo) <

    ...and then there are those users, who don't like anything that
    doesn't resemble their favorite 'fruity' OS ;)

    On 06/18/2012 10:32 AM, Wolfgang Hennerbichler wrote:

        Imagine a world where exchange clone's aren't needed anymore,
        other stuff is better than exchange.

        I really like roundcube webmail's look and feel. Don't try to clone
        something, be somebody on your own.

        On 06/18/2012 10:25 AM, Fonzy wrote:


            I known that the Web UI of SOGo is dedicated to be a clone of
            Thunderbird, but is there a way to make it skinable ?
            Imagine SOGo with Outlook compatibility and a beautifull
            clone of
            Exchange Web UI : The perfect Exchange clone, isn't !

            But ok, it's simply an idea (may be bad)


    -- <>


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