I'm doing this with LDAP filters in the SOGo config. Notice the filter 
attribute with the specific gidNumber. See below:

wohlfordcompany.com = {
  SOGoMailDomain = wohlfordcompany.com;
  SOGoUserSources = (
      type = ldap;
      id = wohlfordcompany.com;
      CNFieldName = cn;
      IDFieldName = mail;
      UIDFieldName = mail;
      bindFields = ( mail );
      IMAPLoginFieldName = mail;
      baseDN = "ou=users,dc=montgomery,dc=al";
      filter = "(objectClass=posixAccount)(gidNumber=2015)";
      bindAsCurrentUser = YES;
      hostname = localhost;
      port = 389;
      canAuthenticate = YES;
      isAddressBook = YES;
      displayName = "Directory";

On Jun 15, 2012, at 5:40 AM, Hans de Groot wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a feature request. (I hope I post this in the right place)
> I would like to have a configuration option that when set, lets the 
> calendar/contacts sharing menu only show/search email adresses in the same 
> domain.
> IE: if I am logged in with ha...@dandy.nl I can only share with users in the 
> dandy.nl domain. I do not want my users to see all email adresses in the 
> system.
> Why do I want this?
> I like to deploy SOGo once and never have to look at it again. So when I add 
> a new mail domain to my system SOGo automatically works with it.
> It does this allready except when using the share calendar/contacts part. 
> Here users are shown all existing email accounts/users on the system.
> I know I can use SOGo with multiple virtual hosts but this way I have to add 
> this to the SOGo config (and remove it later) and restart SOGo everytime a 
> domain gets added or removed.
> If this is to much work than maybe a quicker solution would be to have an 
> option to disable the search function when sharing calendars.
> Users just have to type the complete email address of the user they want to 
> share the calender with.
> It will start in red and turn blue when it matches. 
> I hope you will look into this. I think it will add a lot power to SOGo.
> Regards
> Hans de Groot

Jason Wohlford


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