A workaround (if not the solution itself) to this issue is editing
/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openchange/provision.py, substituting the
line that reads

from ldb import SCOPE_SUBTREE


from ldb import (SCOPE_SUBTREE, SCOPE_BASE)

Hope this helps.


On 2 July 2012 11:40,  <h...@plan.be> wrote:
> Using for testing purpose:
> SOGo ZEG v2.0.0 rc3
> Released on June 15th 2012 (0.78GB)
> Virtual appliance on VirtualBox.
> I've tried to add an user:
> t...@example.com
> 1) LDAP: added toto as clone of sogo1:
>     cn             Toto PlanTest
>     givenName         Toto
>     homePhone         +1 (123) 456-7890
>     l             Vladivostok
>     mail             t...@example.com
>     objectClass         inetOrgPerson, organizationalPerson, person
>     sn             PlanTest
>     telephoneNumber     +1 (120) 987-6543
>     uid             toto
>     userPassword         togo
> RESTART LDAP => ok !
> 2) Samba
> # add user to samba
> samba-tool domain passwordsettings set --complexity=off
> samba-tool domain passwordsettings set --min-pwd-length=1
> samba-tool user add toto
>     root@sogo:/home/sogo# samba-tool user add toto
>     New Password:
>     User 'toto' created successfully
> samba-tool user setexpiry toto --noexpiry
>     root@sogo:/home/sogo# samba-tool user setexpiry toto --noexpiry
>     Set expiry for user 'toto' to 0 days
> REBOOT the appliance => OK !
> 3) OpenChange
> # create user in openchange
> openchange_newuser --create toto
>     root@sogo:/home/sogo# openchange_newuser --create toto
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File "/usr/sbin/openchange_newuser", line 66, in <module>
>         openchange.newuser(lp, creds, username=args[0])
>       File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openchange/provision.py", line
> 290, in newuser
>         res = db.search(base=user_dn, scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"])
>     NameError: global name 'SCOPE_BASE' is not defined
> REBOOT the appliance => OK !
> BUT:
> - I can log in SOGo with my account test (pwd togo) and I cans see the
> webmail, calendar, ... interfaces
> - I can send mail to so...@example.com BUT a warning is displayed "Sent
> is not an IMAP folder" and the email does not go  to the sent folder
> - so...@example.be can read my email from t...@example.com BUT cannot
> send an email to t...@example.com (not a valid mailbox).
> THUS I think there is a preblem with the configuration of the IMAP server...
> Would you like help me ?
> --
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

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