On Friday, August 24, 2012 03:07 PM CDT, Ludovic Marcotte 
<lmarco...@inverse.ca> wrote: 
> Hello,
> We've been receiving quite a good amount of questions lately about this 
> so let me clarify the upcoming releases/activities regarding SOGo.
> First, we'll release SOGo v1.3.18 early next week. This will be the last 
> release for the 1.3 series. We also plan to release next week a new 
> version of the Funambol SOGo Connector, with many awaited fixes.
> We initially planned to release v2.0 this week but we got slowed down by 
> some issues (some of them are totally out of our control):
>  1. we're still waiting for Microsoft for an issue regarding calendar
>     sharing and one regarding recurring events
>  2. we still need to finish our AD integration - so users can be
>     provisioned in AD, and Samba 4 be joined to the existing AD domain
>  3. we still have some "minor" bugs to fix - see the roadmap to v2.0 at
>     http://www.sogo.nu/bugs/
>  4. we still need to improve performance for large mail folders, large
>     calendars and large address books
> That being said, we'll also release 2.0rc5 next week - the last RC 
> release before the first final one. In the past few days/weeks, we've 
> reworked entirely the packages for v2.0 and the documentation. Things 
> can now be easily installed, following the steps in our documentation. 
> You can have a look at it from bit.ly/NPd4ks
> We now aim the week of September 10 for the final release of SOGo v2.0. 
> In the meantime, folks are highly encouraged to give it a try using our 
> nightly builds, follow our documentation (bit.ly/NPd4ks) and report 
> their findings (http://www.sogo.nu/bugs/).
> Thanks and enjoy the weekend!
> -- 
> Ludovic Marcotte
> +1.514.755.3630  ::  www.inverse.ca
> Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence 
> (www.packetfence.org)
> -- 
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists 

What does that mean to those of us that don't need the outlook connection or 
can't move to the samba4/AD setup? Basically meaning we have to stay with the 
1.3.X branch? Will this mean no more features being added and/or bug fixes?


Donny B. 


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