Hi chris,

just finish doing this

su - sogo

defaults write sogod SOGoTimeZone "America/Montreal"

defaults write sogod SOGoMailDomain "acme.com"

defaults write sogod SOGoLanguage English

defaults write sogod SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications YES

defaults write sogod SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications YES

defaults write sogod SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications YES

Could you assist me what next to do?

Thanks in Advnace mate,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Christian Mack" <christian.m...@uni-konstanz.de>
To: <users@sogo.nu>
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2012 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Authentication Using Ldap

Hello Joms Ariola

On 2012-09-07 09:43, Joms Ariola wrote:

Im stock to this..

su – sogo

defaults write sogod SOGoUserSources '({CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = uid; UIDFieldName = uid; IMAPHostFieldName = mailHost;
baseDN = "ou=users,dc=acme,dc=com";
bindDN = "uid=sogo,ou=users,dc=acme,dc=com";
bindPassword = qwerty; canAuthenticate = YES; displayName =
"Shared Addresses"; hostname = "localhost"; id = public;
isAddressBook = YES; port=389})'

How to do this..

The above are 2 commands used in the command line of your server.

The first one "su - sogo" switches the user you are connected with to
the user "sogo" and adjusts your environment to the one user "sogo" uses.
If you execute this as user "root", then you don't have to give the
password for user "sogo".

The second command "defaults write sogod ....." adds or alters some
configuration option in the sogod configuration.
sogod is the sogo daemon, which your browser will connect to when using

The above given example option SOGoUserSources defines how to connect to
your LDAP for authentication of SOGo users.
Before using that, you must have an LDAP set up already.
Then you have to adjust the values set above to your LDAP configuration.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Christian Mack
Gruppe Informationsdienste
Rechenzentrum Universität Konstanz


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