
thanks for your really good work, but with the newest nightly build I
get the following error if I try using the mail web front end (calender
and address book works):

sogo kernel: sogod[4091]: segfault at 00002b97f47d8ff8 rip
00002b97dc83069c rsp 00007fff7e3805b8 error 4

Installed packages:

sogo.x86_64                            2.0_20121024-1.el5
sope49-appserver.x86_64     4.9-20121024_1664.el5.1
sope49-cards.x86_64             2.0_20121024-1.el5
sope49-core.x86_64               4.9-20121024_1664.el5.1
sope49-gdl1.x86_64               4.9-20121024_1664.el5.1
sope49-gdl1-contentstore.x86_64   2.0_20121024-1.el5
sope49-gdl1-postgresql.x86_64      4.9-20121024_1664.el5.1
sope49-ldap.x86_64                         4.9-20121024_1664.el5.1
sope49-mime.x86_64                       4.9-20121024_1664.el5.1
sope49-sbjson.x86_64                     2.3.1-20121024_1664.el5.1
sope49-xml.x86_64                          4.9-20121024_1664.el5.1


Am 24.10.2012 22:45, schrieb Wolfgang Sourdeau:
> The Inverse Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
> SOGo 2.0.2. This is a minor release of SOGo which focuses on improved
> stability and performance over version 2.0.1.
>       What is SOGo
> SOGo is a free and modern scalable groupware server. It offers shared
> calendars, address books and emails through your favorite Web browser
> or by using a native client such as Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning,
> Apple Calendar and Address Book (OSX and iOS) and Microsoft Outlook.
> SOGo is standard-compliant and supports CalDAV, CardDAV, GroupDAV and
> reuses existing IMAP, SMTP and database servers - making the solution
> easy to deploy and interoperable with many applications.
> SOGo features :
>     * Scalable architecture suitable for deployments from dozen to
>       many thousand users
>     * Rich Web-based interface that shares the look and feel, the
>       features and the data of Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning
>     * Improved integration with Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning by
>       using the SOGo Connector and the SOGo Integrator
>     * Native compatibility for Microsoft Outlook 2003, 2007 and 2010
>    *
>       Two-way synchronization support with any SyncML-capable devices
>       (BlackBerry <https://inverse.ca/wiki/focus/BlackBerry>, Palm,
>       Windows CE, etc.) by using the Funambol SOGo Connector
>     * Excellent native integration with Apple software (OSX and iOS)
>       and Android-based devices
> and many more! SOGo and our connectors are completely free.
>       Changes from the previous release
> New features
>     * added support for SMTP AUTH
>     * sogo configuration can now be set in /etc/sogo/sogo.conf
>     * added support for GNU TLS
> Enhancements
>     * speed up of the parsing of IMAP traffic
>     * minor speed up of the web interface
>     * speed up of the live-loading of the message list in the mail module
>     * speed up of the deletion of a large amounts of entries in the
>       contacts module
>     * updated the timezone files to the 2012.g edition
>     * open file descriptors are now closed when the process starts
>     * openchange backend: miscellaneous speed up of the
>       synchronization operations
> Bug fixes
>     * the parameters included in the url of remote calendars are now
>       taken into account
>     * fixed an issue occurring with timezone definitions providing
>       multiple entries
>     * fixed issues occuring on OpenBSD and potentially other BSD flavours
>     * openchange backend: miscellaneous crashes during certain Outlook
>       operations, which have appeared in version 2.0.0, have been fixed
> See http://www.sogo.nu/bugs/changelog_page.php?project_id=1 for closed
> tickets and https://github.com/inverse-inc/sogo/commits/SOGo-2.0.2 for
> the complete change log.
>       Getting SOGo
> SOGo is free software and is distributed under the GNU GPL. As such,
> you are free to download and try it by visiting the following page :
> http://www.sogo.nu/downloads/backend.html
> You can also download the sources by following the instructions on
> this page:
> http://www.sogo.nu/development/source_code.html
> Frontend clients such as Mozilla Thunderbird, Mozilla Lightning
> (Inverse Edition), SOGo Connector and SOGo Integrator extensions are
> available for download from :
> http://www.sogo.nu/downloads/frontends.html
> Documentation about the installation and configuration of SOGo,
> Thunderbird or mobile devices is available from :
> http://www.sogo.nu/downloads/documentation.html
> You can also try our online SOGo demo at :
> http://www.sogo.nu/tour/online_demo.html
>       How can I help ?
> SOGo is a collaborative effort in order to create the best Free and
> Open Source groupware solution.
> There are multiple ways you can contribute to the project :
>     * Documentation reviews, enhancements and translations
>     * Write test cases - if you know Python, join in!
>     * Feature requests or by sharing your ideas (see the roadmap)
>     * Participate to the discussion in mailing lists
>    *
>       Patches for bugs or enhancements (http://www.sogo.nu/bugs)
>    *
>       Provide new translations
> (http://sogo.nu/english/support/faq/article/how-to-translate-sogo-in-another-language-2.html)
> Feel free to send us your questions. You can also post them to the
> SOGo mailing list: http://sogo.nu/lists/
>       Getting Support
> For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us by writing to
> supp...@inverse.ca <mailto:supp...@inverse.ca>
> Customer support packages for SOGo are available from
> http://inverse.ca/support.html
> -- 
> Wolfgang Sourdeau :: +1 (514) 447-4918 ext. 125 :: wsourd...@inverse.ca
> Inverse inc. Leaders behind SOGo (sogo.nu) and PacketFence 
> (www.packetfence.org)

*CaC, Computer and Communication*
Inhaber Stefan Klatt
End-2-End Senior Network Consultant
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Email: stefan.kl...@cac-netzwerk.de

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