Le 12/11/2012 16:18, Alessio Fattorini a écrit :
> Il 12/11/2012 15:19, Pierre-Elliott Bécue ha scritto:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I'm  a sysadmin  working  for  « association  Crans  », an
>> associative-based internet provider  based in  France. We're providing,
>> amongst  other, email service to our subscribers, and we vould like to
>> set up SOGo as groupware.
> Every user can modify it by imap account preferences.

Hello !,

Every user can, but will every user do it ?

The fact is that we are willing to offer an out of the box groupware,
where these settings are already fine for a regular usage, especially
when our subscribers send emails to another domain.

Pierre-Elliott Bécue

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