I have this error when i'm trying to configure an external imap account
on my sogo (1.3.18)

localhost - - [30/Nov/2012:12:45:50 GMT] "POST
/SOGo/so/dario/Mail//2/folderPosta_SP_inviata/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200
14/0 1.973 - - 0
Nov 30 12:45:51 sogod [24936]: <0x0x8e9e374[NGImap4ResponseParser]>
ERROR: got no body content for key: 'body[header.fields'
Nov 30 12:45:51 sogod [24936]: <0x0x8e9b494[NGImap4Client]>
ERROR(-[NGImap4Client _processCommandParserException:]): catched IMAP4
parser exception NGImap4ParserException: unsupported fetch key: "")
Nov 30 12:45:51 sogod [24936]: [ERROR] <0x0x8e9d9ac[NGImap4Connection]>
could not fetch 94 uids for url:
localhost - - [30/Nov/2012:12:45:51 GMT] "POST
/SOGo/so/dario/Mail//2/folderINBOX/headers HTTP/1.1" 200 130/670 1.770 - - 0

Sogo counts email in the folders but doesn't visualize them!

I have a log with tcpdump snif

I can't send this message on ML because the private date in the
Can anyone help me?

Alessio Fattorini

Nethesis srl
Via degli Olmi 12 - 61122 Pesaro PU
tel. +39 0721 405516 - fax +39 0721 268147
http://www.nethesis.it - suppo...@nethesis.it


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