Dear all

we are using Sogo in a small company with 6 client computers sharing calenders
among the users. All clients are running the same software (thunderbird with
lightning and sogo connector/integrator) and are configured the same. However,
on one machine a new calendar entry created on that computer is only present
after clicking the sync button. It is no issue of visibility for searching the
appointment also fails before sync and is successful afterwards. On all the
other machines a locally created new entry is visible immediately. Thus I
assume the problem to come from an issue with that single client and not from a
wrong configuration of the server. Deleting thunderbird and reinstalling it had
no effect (the settings for the users mail and calendars have not been earased
by thunderbird's uninstall) the same holds for reinstalling all the plugins.

Any suggestion what to do to get that client work properly?

Many thanks in advance!


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