OK, I've done this a few times. There is an easy way of doing this, but it involves changing the domain name in a few different places. I'll dig out my notes and will post shortly.....

-- Scott

On 03/02/2013 09:32 AM, Steve Ankeny wrote:
It seems to me this point to the need to configure/reconfigure the LDAP Server on the ZEG

AFTER configuring LDAP to recognize your mail domain, add it to GNUstepDefaults

That should get you 90+% there. I'm drawing from my memory of what Inverse did for us (and a slew of e-mails exchanged between the Inverse tech and myself) (which are not readable to anyone else)

I can tell you how to create mailboxes in Cyrus, and I can tell you how to clone the 'sogo' user in Webmin, but I cannot tell you how to create the mail domain (as I do not understand LDAP)

And, by the way, from my previous research into LDAP (which included openSuSE, CentOS and Ubuntu), LDAP is an "odd beast" to begin with, and each iteration seems to change the '.conf' files.

It keeps me confused! Like you, I'd still like a step-by-step from Inverse.

On 03/02/2013 11:41 AM, Dave wrote:
I found this, which looked promising:-


But after following it (it's not 100% accurate) as a "do to list" rather than "copy and paste" it sort of worked until the ldap section.

Predictably I get "no global superior knowledge" since *my* domain isn't in the ldap DB already (there are steps missing).


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