The way to deal with the Outlook/Openchange/Samba side of things is to re-provision from scratch. I'm working on the details now. Instructions to come .....

BTW - Thanks for the /etc/hosts catch. I missed including that one.

-- Scott

On 03/03/2013 01:53 AM, Dave wrote:

It does now accept & deliver inbound email correctly (seen in the web interface), but when connecting MS Outlook (2003) I send up with a "Mailbox - sogo1" in All Mail Folders, but I can't open it and mail is not delivered to Outlook. I can see packets between the workstation and server, so IP wise things are ok.

I do eventually have a popup asking me to confirm settings and in there is "". I went looking and also changed the in these locations-

/var/lib/samba/sysvol [rename based on entries in /etc/samba/smb.conf]

it would appear there might be a few more. (I'm assuming the ZEG applicance should allow Outlook to connect without any other settings?


On 2013-03-02 21:05, Scott Jordahl wrote:
OK, this is what I did in the past to change the ZEG domain name. I
haven't done a lot of testing on the Samba side, so I'm not sure if
there are some changes I missed there. I have some scripts I'm
updating for user management (add/remove, etc) that I'll post once
they're done.

 -- Scott


 DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK! Make sure you have a backup/snapshot just
in case you want to rollback if
 things go wrong and something bad happens.

 o Login as root (sudo -s)
 o Stop the LDAP service: root@sogo:~# service slapd stop
 o Backup the existing LDAP Database: root@sogo:~# slapcat -v -l
 o Create a new LDAP data file: root@sogo:~# sed
's/example/<newdom>/g' sogo_orig.ldif > sogo_new.ldif
 where <newdom> is the new domain name (don't include the "<" ">")
 o If you need to change ".com" use:
 root@sogo:~# sed -e 's/example/<newdom>/g' -e 's/com/<new_gTLD>/g'
sogo_orig.ldif > sogo_new.ldif
 again, <new_gTLD> is "org", "net", etc.
 o If you need to add additional domain extensions (eg -, you'll need to edit
 the sogo_new.ldif file manually
 o Edit the file: /etc/ldap/slapd.d/cn=config/olcDatabase={1}hdb.ldif
 and replace all "example" with your new domain name and replace "com"
with the different gTLD
 if needed. Again, if you need additional domain extensions, you'll
need to add those to this
 file. Finally, remove the "CRC" line (2nd line). If you don't you'll
get an error during the
 LDAP import
 o Remove (or rename) the existing LDAP database: root@sogo:~# rm -r
 o Import the new LDAP data file: root@sogo:~# slapadd -v -l
 --> You should see *no* errors
 o Change the ownership of the new LDAP database files (if not, LDAP
won't run):
 root@sogo:~# chown -R openldap: /var/lib/ldap
 o Edit /etc/mailname and /etc/saslauthd.conf and replace "example"
with the new domain
 o Edit /etc/postfix/ -> Replace "example" in "myhostname" with
the new domain
 o Edit /etc/postfix/people.ldap -> Replace "example" in "search_base"
with the new domain
 o Update GNUstep:
 root@sogo:~# defaults write sogod SOGoTimeZone "<your_time_zone>"
 (eg - ~# defaults write sogod SOGoTimeZone "US/Pacific")
 root@sogo:~# defaults write sogod SOGoMailDomain "<newdom>.com"
 o Edit /home/sogo/GNUstep/Defaults/.GNUstepDefaults and replace all
"example" entries
 with the new domain
 o Reboot the ZEG and your new domain name is now in place. The
"sogo1", "sogo2", and "sogo3" users are
 still available in the new domain.


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