W dniu 04/03/2013 11:06 AM, Christian Mack pisze:
Am 2013-03-25 07:42, schrieb Bogusław Juza:
I have problem with session handle in SOGo. I have
OCSSessionsFolderURL set correctly, sessions entry appears
in MySQL database, but when I wait longer then
SOGoCacheCleanupInterval SOGo redirect me to login page.
I sniffed packets and I seen the SOGo checked MySQL
sessions table and got correct answer from database,
but still redirect to login page.

Is the system time set correctly on all of your servers?
I had that symptom once on a test system with wrong month set on my proxy.

The system time is synchronized via ntpd.

I created bug report about this issue:

But till now no any developer wants to take it... :(

Short description:

If I set SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID flag to on, everything
is working, but creates "double domain" emails, for ex:

If I turn DomainBasedUID off, e-mails are corect, but sesion
is lost after iddle bigger then SOGoCacheCleanupInterval.

I tried to debug it. I run memcached in monitor mode and
I found, the SOGo after iddle is trying to create keys
with "double domain",  although DomainBasedUID is disabled.

Boguslaw Juza

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