
Am 12.04.2013 14:51, schrieb Christian Mack:

Am 2013-04-08 19:50, schrieb Michael Vogel:

How can I do some feature requests so that the developer are seeing
them? Are they reading this mailing list or is there another channel
for that?

Some developers are on this list, but for feature requests or bug
reports better use


OK, but there are a lot of threads from clients which don't set these
headers correctly.
So this definitely should be a folder based setting.

It could be folder specific or user specific. I could live with both.

2. When replying to a replied message the quote signs should be
compacted. Explanation: When I reply to a message the quoted messages
looks like this: "> quoted text". When quoting this quoted text, the
system should make a ">> quoted text" - but by now it does a "> >
quoted text" (there is a space between the first and second ">")

Where is the benefit for that?

That behaviour is the standard behaviour for many mail clients.


"There is no standard declaring one quote-prefix to be "right" and others to be "wrong", but some standards depend on conventional quoting. The (unpublished) "son-of-1036" draft recommends ">" as the quote-prefix; RFC 3676 depends on it and considers ">> " and "> > " to be semantically different. That is, ">> " has a quote-depth of two, while "> > " has a quote-depth of one, quoting a line starting with ">"."

3. The option for viewing mails in thread view should be made
switchable directly in the mail folders.

There is an enhancement request for that already. See bug #1882

I definetly have to look at the bugtracker to see what's already on the list.


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