Am 2013-05-03 14:48, schrieb Deepak Kumar: > > memcached status is runing. Please find the sogod configuration. > < ... >
Your configuration lacks the whole IMAP settings. Authentication under "SOGoUserSources" lacks <key>type</key> <string>ldap</string> Logging seems OK. Also the following in your previous post catched my eye: >>>> x.x.x.x - - [03/May/2013:17:01:08 GMT] "GET /SOGo/sogo HTTP/1.1" 404 33/0 >>>> 0.016 - - 4K Do you really try to access /SOGo/sogo ? You should only access /SOGo there. This URL path is case sensitive, so don't use /sogo !! Kind regards, Christian Mack -- Christian Mack Gruppe Informationsdienste Rechenzentrum Universität Konstanz --