Hi Andre,

Still I am facing issue with IMAP authentication. I have searched on google
but did not find any solution. Can you please help me to out to solve this

*Sogo Configuration file..*

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//GNUstep//DTD plist 0.9//EN" "
<plist version="0.9">
                <string>Shared Addresses</string>

*IMAP Configuration..*
disable_plaintext_auth = no
auth_mechanisms = plain

 unix_listener auth-master {
    mode = 0600
    user = vmail
    group = vmail

service auth-worker {
  # Auth worker process is run as root by default, so that it can access
  # /etc/shadow. If this isn't necessary, the user should be changed to
  # $default_internal_user.
#  user = vmail
  user = root

mail_location = maildir:/var/mail/%u
mail_privileged_group = mail

*auth-ldap.conf.ext file*

uris = ldap://localhost:3389
dn = cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org
tls = no

base = dc=mail,dc=example,dc=org
scope = subtree

user_attrs = homeDirectory=home,uidNumber=uid,gidNumber=gid

user_filter = (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%u))
pass_attrs = uid=user,userPassword=password

pass_filter = (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%u))

passdb {
  driver = ldap

  # Path for LDAP configuration file, see
  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext

# "prefetch" user database means that the passdb already provided the
# needed information and there's no need to do a separate userdb lookup.
# <doc/wiki/UserDatabase.Prefetch.txt>
#userdb {
#  driver = prefetch

userdb {
  driver = ldap
  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext

*IMAP error....*

]> IMAP4 login failed:
  host=example.org, user=sogo, pwd=yes
  = <0x0x7f5d66717800[NGImap4Client]: login=sogo(pwd)
address=<0x0x7f5d667c9ce0[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=example.orgport=143>>
May 08 03:51:48 sogod [2972]: <0x6679AF30[SOGoMailAccount]:0> renewing
imap4 password
May 08 03:51:48 sogod [2972]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f5d666d0b20[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
  host=example.org, user=sogo, pwd=yes
  = <0x0x7f5d6697af10[NGImap4Client]: login=sogo(pwd)
address=<0x0x7f5d667adb30[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=example.orgport=143>>


ay 08 13:08:44 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in
12 secs): user=<sogo>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured,
May 08 13:08:44 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in
8 secs): user=<sogo>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured,
May 08 13:08:55 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in
3 secs): user=<sogo>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured,
May 08 13:08:55 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in
11 secs): user=<sogo>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured,
May 08 13:13:25 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in
11 secs): user=<sogo>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured,
May 08 13:13:25 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in
8 secs): user=<sogo>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured,
May 08 13:13:37 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in
12 secs): user=<sogo>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured,
May 08 13:21:17 log: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=1 uid=0
May 08 13:21:17 master: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=1 uid=0
May 08 13:21:17 master: Info: Dovecot v2.1.7 starting up (core dumps

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks In Advance..

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 8:01 PM, André Schild <an...@schild.ws> wrote:

> Hello Kumar,
> Am 03.05.2013 16:29, schrieb Deepak Kumar:
>  Hi Christian,
>> Thanks
>> Now I am able to login in sogo. But once i login to sogo, its not
>> displaying folders (Inbox,sent etc..). I looked into logs and I found the
>> ÍMAP4 login failed errors as per below errors on the terminal.
>> Please help me out to solve this issue.
>> Logs:
>> > IMAP4 login failed:
>>   host=localhost, user=sogo, pwd=yes
>>   url=imap://sogo@localhost/
> Is your IMAP server running on localhost and you can login as user sogo
> with the same password as used by sogo ?
> André
> --
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

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