I'm trying to setup SAML2 authentication for SOGo and not sure of the
requirements. According to the installation guide, only changes to to the
SOGo configuration are necessary. Of course, you must then use something
like the crudesaml plugin to handle the authentication to the IMAP server,
but that is not necessary for SOGo itself. I set
SOGoAuthenticationType=saml2 along with all of the cert and Idp metadata
information, but nothing seems to happen. I get a proxy error when trying
to bring up the login page with the log saying:

GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from `LassoLibAuthnRequest' to

The installation manual leads you believe that everything is automatic
beyond the SOGoSAML2... configuration lines in sogo.conf. Does SOGo
actually do everything including SP functionality or do you have to setup
something like a Shibboleth SP to get things working?

Also, the metadata link turns up a HTTP 200 with a blank page. Is there
another way to get the metadata as the IdP obviously needs it to work


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