I *finally* performed the update from SOGo v2.0.4b to v2.0.5

And, I ran the update commands on pg. 50 of the Installation Guide:

install -d -m 750 -o root -g sogo /etc/sogo
sudo -u sogo sogo-tool dump-defaults > /etc/sogo/sogo.conf
chown root:sogo /etc/sogo/sogo.conf
chmod 640 /etc/sogo/sogo.conf
sudo -u sogo mv ~sogo/GNUstep/Defaults/.GNUstepDefaults \

I am working from an older ZEG that's been fully updated to 12.04LTS (with all changes)

'sudo' should allow me to run commands as 'root' (although there's no actual 'root' account)

'adam' is the account by which I run all 'sudo' commands.

However, the 2nd command choked!

adam@sogo: sudo -u sogo sogo-tool dump-defaults > /etc/sogo/sogo.conf
-bash: /etc/sogo/sogo.conf: Permission denied

So, I ran the 3rd & 4th commands:

sudo chown root:sogo /etc/sogo/sogo.conf
adam@sogo:~$ sudo chmod 640 /etc/sogo/sogo.conf

And, reran the 2nd command with the same error!

At that point, I did not run the last command (thinking it would disable the older configuration which was not 'dumped' into the newer 'sogo.conf') I believe I was correct in doing so, as 'sogo' works fine.

Including the calendar.

I was able to update 'sogo-connector-17.0.5.xpi' but not 'sogo-integrator-17.0.5.xpi'

The latter failed to install either via 'updates.php' or manually by file. I edited 'sogo-integrator-17.0.5.xpi' as suggested in the Installation Guide, but it appears not to install in Thunderbird.

Oh!  I updated Thunderbird to 17.0.6ESR  COULD THAT BE THE PROBLEM?

I will move back to 17.0.2ESR before I end the night.

On 04/12/2013 10:07 AM, Jean Raby wrote:
On 13-04-12 10:00 AM, Steve Ankeny wrote:

The announcement said the update was minor but described changing where
user defaults are stored.

Ludovic gave explicit instructions on moving the configuration, but I will
backup my existing configuration and wait until a more opportune
time to make the changes, as we're an accounting office.
The change is actually pretty minor. Both configuration style are still supported, but we now recommend using /etc/sogo/sogo.conf since it is easier to read.

I presume there's no update to SOPE though there are new Integrator and
Connector extensions.
Sope was updated, so you need to upgrade its packages too.


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