
Well, I don't quite know what I did, but I seem to have SSL access via my 
custom port :) :$

I've been hacking around trying to change that port number back from 80 to a 
different port number than 1234 that I had before. I've changed something 
somewhere other than (etc/httpd/conf.d/) ssl.conf or SOGo.conf, but I can't 
figure out where and I only seem to be able to use 1234 at the moment!

Anyway, to cut the long story short, I decided to have one last go connecting 
on 1234 via the following in eM Client and now it works, albeit with a server 
name warning on the certificate file:


If I can ever figure out what I did to get it working I'll reply here.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Marriner [mailto:bruce+s...@bmts.us] 
Sent: 28 June 2013 17:24
To: users@sogo.nu
Subject: RE: [SOGo] How to set up CardDav, CalDav etc for IMAP with eMClient

On Friday, June 28, 2013 11:03 AM CDT, "Ian James Vale" 
<ianjamesv...@icefire.eu> wrote: 
> Hi Bruce,
> I've just been hacking around and changed SOGo.conf in etc/httpd/conf.d from 
> SSL HTTPS (443) to HTTP, and redirected the firewall port forward from the 
> web server to the mail server and that now allows eM Client to see the 
> Calendar.
> When on 443 or custom port 1234 I can do the web browser test you suggested 
> and get the web page you got: -- An error occurred during object publishing 
> no WebDAV GET support?! --
> Therefore it would appear the problem is to do with the SSL somehow and how 
> eM Client works with it. My thoughts are that it might be server certificate 
> related but as yet I don't know precisely what might be wrong with it.

Ah, it very well could be an SSL issue.  I don't use SSL on my SOGo install (or 
very many things anywhere) because the NSA is already reading and storing all 
my private information and probably selling it to Google, China, and anybody 
else who wants it.  Also generally speaking.. SSL tends to make a pretty damn 
easy thing turn into a bit more of a PIA then it's worth for me.   

You might try 8443 as it's a common alternate SSL port if you're not already 
using that.  Maybe there's some SSL settings that need to be adjusted to match 
your port number.  I'm sure there's some configuration in Apache needed.

You might try to get it working without SSL then add SSL into the mix 
afterwards.  I find that's generally easier when I have to do SSL.



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