Am 26.06.2013 20:53, schrieb Steven Hiscocks:
> On 26/06/13 16:20, Igor wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> first: I'm new here. Thanks for the great work on SOGo.
>> Here is my problem, may be somebody can help:
>> I compiled SOPE 2.0.6 and SOGo 2.0.6a on OpenSUSE 12.2 32-bit.
>> GNUstep is from
>> OpenSUSE repository
>> Everything looks good, I can start the service, I can login but if I
>> change to
>> Mail tab, I get the error in browser:
>> An error occurred during object publishing
>> the requested object could not be found!
>> At this time I get a 404 return code in the logfile.
>> Here ist SOGo logfile (there is something about "could not load product:
>> Mail...":
>> Jun 26 16:01:39 sogod [26693]: version 2.0.6a (build
>> root@samba-server.axora
>> 201306261505) -- starting
>> Jun 26 16:01:39 sogod [26693]: vmem size check enabled: shutting down
>> app when
>> vmem > 384 MB
>> Jun 26 16:01:39 sogod [26693]: <0x0xb885ef74[SOGoProductLoader]> SOGo
>> products
>> loaded from '/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo':
>> Jun 26 16:01:39 sogod [26693]: <0x0xb885ef74[SOGoProductLoader]>
>> AdministrationUI.SOGo, Appointments.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo, Contacts.SOGo,
>> ContactsUI.SOGo, MailPartViewers.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo, MainU
>> I.SOGo, PreferencesUI.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo
>> Jun 26 16:01:39 sogod [26693]: [so-product-registry] could not load
>> product:
>> MailPartViewers
>> Jun 26 16:01:39 sogod [26693]: [so-product-registry] could not load
>> product:
>> MailerUI
>> Jun 26 16:01:39 sogod [26693]: <0x0xb88662c4[WOWatchDog]> listening
>> on *:20000
>> Jun 26 16:01:39 sogod [26693]: <0x0xb88662c4[WOWatchDog]> watchdog
>> process pid:
>> 26693
>> Jun 26 16:01:39 sogod [26693]: <0x0xb74aad20[WOWatchDogChild]>
>> watchdog request
>> timeout set to 10 minutes
>> Jun 26 16:01:39 sogod [26693]: <0x0xb88662c4[WOWatchDog]> preparing 1
>> children
>> Jun 26 16:01:39 sogod [26693]: <0x0xb88662c4[WOWatchDog]> child
>> spawned with
>> pid 26694
>> Jun 26 16:02:15 sogod [26694]: <0x0xb892b5dc[SOGoCache]> Cache
>> cleanup interval
>> set every 300.000000 seconds
>> Jun 26 16:02:15 sogod [26694]: <0x0xb892b5dc[SOGoCache]> Using host(s)
>> 'localhost' as server(s)
>> 2013-06-26 16:02:15.601 sogod[26694] Note(SoObject): SoDebugKeyLookup is
>> enabled!
>> 2013-06-26 16:02:15.601 sogod[26694] Note(SoObject): SoDebugBaseURL
>> is enabled!
>> 2013-06-26 16:02:15.601 sogod[26694] Note(SoObject): relative base
>> URLs are
>> enabled.
>> Jun 26 16:02:15 sogod [26694]: SOGoRootPage successful login from
>> ''
>> for user 'igor' - expire = -1  grace = -1
>> Jun 26 16:02:15 sogod [26694]: [ERROR]
>> <0x0xb8b7458c[NGLdapAttribute]> cound
>> not convert value of objectSid to string
>> Jun 26 16:02:15 sogod [26694]: [ERROR]
>> <0x0xb8b744bc[NGLdapAttribute]> cound
>> not convert value of objectGUID to string
>> Jun 26 16:02:15 sogod [26694]: [WARN]
>> <0x0xb8b86acc[SOGoWebDAVAclManager]>
>> entry '{DAV:}write' already exists in DAV permissions table
>> Jun 26 16:02:15 sogod [26694]: [WARN]
>> <0x0xb8b86acc[SOGoWebDAVAclManager]>
>> entry '{DAV:}write-properties' already exists in DAV permissions table
>> Jun 26 16:02:15 sogod [26694]: [WARN]
>> <0x0xb8b86acc[SOGoWebDAVAclManager]>
>> entry '{DAV:}write-content' already exists in DAV permissions table
>> 2013-06-26 16:02:15.741 sogod[26694] Note: Using UTF-8 as URL
>> encoding in
>> NGExtensions.
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:15 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect
>> HTTP/1.1" 200
>> 27/38 0.147 - - 3M
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:15 GMT] "GET /SOGo/so/igor HTTP/1.1"
>> 302 0/0
>> 0.004 - - 8K
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:15 GMT] "GET /SOGo/so/igor/view
>> HTTP/1.1" 302
>> 0/0 0.004 - - 8K
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:15 GMT] "GET /SOGo/so/Igor/Calendar
>> HTTP/1.1"
>> 302 0/0 0.005 - - 0
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:16 GMT] "GET
>> /SOGo/so/Igor/Calendar/view
>> HTTP/1.1" 200 13112/0 0.084 47891 72% 1M
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:16 GMT] "POST
>> /SOGo/so/Igor/Calendar/personal/canAccessContent HTTP/1.1" 204 0/0
>> 0.012 - - 0
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:16 GMT] "POST
>> /SOGo/so/Igor/Calendar/alarmslist?browserTime=1372255335 HTTP/1.1"
>> 200 2/0
>> 0.006 - - 0
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:16 GMT] "POST
>> /SOGo/so/Igor/Calendar/eventslist?asc=true&sort=start&day=&filterpopup=view_today
>> HTTP/1.1" 200 2/0 0.009 - - 0
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:16 GMT] "POST
>> /SOGo/so/Igor/Calendar/taskslist?show-completed=0&asc=true&sort=end
>> HTTP/1.1"
>> 200 2/0 0.005 - - 0
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:16 GMT] "POST
>> /SOGo/so/Igor/Calendar/weekview
>> HTTP/1.1" 200 2185/0 0.017 22433 90% 12K
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:16 GMT] "POST
>> /SOGo/so/Igor/Calendar/eventsblocks?sd=20130624&ed=20130630&view=weekview
>> HTTP/1.1" 200 64/0 0.005 - - 0
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:18 GMT] "GET /SOGo/so/Igor/Mail
>> HTTP/1.1" 302
>> 0/0 0.003 - - 0
>> Jun 26 16:02:18 sogod [26694]: [ERROR]
>> <0x0xb8b6b94c[NGLdapAttribute]> cound
>> not convert value of objectSid to string
>> Jun 26 16:02:18 sogod [26694]: [ERROR]
>> <0x0xb8b0100c[NGLdapAttribute]> cound
>> not convert value of objectGUID to string
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:18 GMT] "GET /SOGo/so/Igor/Mail/view
>> HTTP/1.1"
>> 404 208/0 0.011 - - 0
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:19 GMT] "POST
>> /SOGo/so/Igor/Calendar/personal/canAccessContent HTTP/1.1" 204 0/0
>> 0.003 - - 0
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:19 GMT] "POST
>> /SOGo/so/Igor/Calendar/alarmslist?browserTime=1372255338 HTTP/1.1"
>> 200 2/0
>> 0.004 - - 0
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:19 GMT] "POST
>> /SOGo/so/Igor/Calendar/eventslist?asc=true&sort=start&day=&filterpopup=view_today
>> HTTP/1.1" 200 2/0 0.007 - - 0
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:19 GMT] "POST
>> /SOGo/so/Igor/Calendar/taskslist?show-completed=0&asc=true&sort=end
>> HTTP/1.1"
>> 200 2/0 0.005 - - 0
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:19 GMT] "POST
>> /SOGo/so/Igor/Calendar/weekview
>> HTTP/1.1" 200 2185/0 0.013 22433 90% 0
>> - - [26/Jun/2013:16:02:19 GMT] "POST
>> /SOGo/so/Igor/Calendar/eventsblocks?sd=20130624&ed=20130630&view=weekview
>> HTTP/1.1" 200 64/0 0.005 - - 0
>> How can I solve this?
>> Kind Regards,
>> Igor
> Igor,
> I believe you may be suffering the same issue as me. Please see
> I've not had chance to try out Ludovic's advice yet, but will update
> when I've had a look. If you have any success, please share :)
> Thanks,
> Steve

Hi Steve and Igor,

maybe you fixed it all along yourselves, but I tried Ludovics advice and
got it up running again.
The setup on my side was an upgrade from openSUSE 12.2 to openSUSE
12.3,  with new gnustep libraries.
First  I deinstalled the gnustep libraries from the repositories and
built new ones from the recent sources(gnustep-make-2.6.4 and
gnustep-base-1.24.4). The problem remains the same. The necessary
modules for Mail can not be loaded.
Next try: Compiling older versions of gnustep ( gnustep-make-2.6.1 and 
gnustep-base-1.23.0) and building SOPE and SOGo with these libraries.
Despite I'm having it up and running again, I'm not extremely happy with
this setup, because  building gnustep-base-1.23.0 needed an additional
(older) libxml2-version on the system and some further patching.

Best regards


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