Em 03-09-2013 07:54, Jan-Frode Myklebust escreveu:
On Tue, Sep 03, 2013 at 10:54:52AM +0200, alge wrote:
I'm not sure if my situation with ActiveSync beeing a show stopper for
deploying SOGo is generalizable enough, what do other people think of
it? Did I miss something?
I completely agree (except we didn't let it stop the show). Configuring
mobile clients without ActiveSync is too cumbersome, and my little
exposure to z-push didn't convince me it was production ready..

OTOH, z-push made me meet Zarafa, and consider Zimbra too. SOGo is great, but mobile support in the pos-pc era is a must for enterprises. Looking for alternatives.

Best regards.

*Marcio Merlone*
TI - Administrador de redes

*A1 Engenharia - Unidade Corporativa*
Fone:   +55 41 3616-3797
Cel:    +55 41 9689-0036

http://www.a1.ind.br/ <http://www.a1.ind.br>

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