On 2/25/2014 7:23 AM, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
On 2014-02-24 8:19 PM, Laz C. Peterson <l...@paravis.net> wrote:
It would be great to see a feature similar to Apple’s Mail
application, where clicking “Reply All” to a message sent by the user
actually opens up a new email with the exact same To:, CC:, and BCC:

In Thunderbird, you can right-click on *any* email (not just one in the
Sent folder) and click 'Edit as new' to do the same exact thing...

I just checked, and right-clicking on an email in any folder in the SOGo
GUI shows the exact same menu choice ('Edit As New...', but it is greyed

Maybe this is a feature that must be enabled in the config?

Anyone? The menu choice is there... why is it greyed out?

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