Hello T.B.

Am 2014-03-24 17:13, schrieb T.B.:
> The problem is still the same with Sogo 2.2.2.
> My Android phone is a Samsung GALAXY Note 2 (GT-N7100) with Android 4.3.
> My desktop client is Thunderbird 24.4
> Every new Mail becomes the "read" status.
> Every old mail outside of the "Android Active-Sync" sync time frame
> remains untouched (I've set up 1 month sync time frame here).
> If I mark a mail as unread in Thunderbird, some seconds later it
> "magically" becomes read again.
> If I switch off my phone, all new unread mail remains unread.
> So, it's a problem with ActiveSync/Android.
> Is this a known bug or misconfiguration?
> How to solve that?

As Ludovic stated on this list before, this will be fixed in SOGo 2.2.3!
So you can do nothing else than wait for now.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Christian Mack
Abteilung Basisdienste
KIM IT-Services
Universität Konstanz

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