2014-06-16 19:36 GMT+02:00 Donny Brooks <dbro...@mdah.state.ms.us>:
> We have yet to have migrated to Samba4 or AD proper so we are still using
> our OpenLDAP and Samba3 domain. However I am wanting to test the Outlook
> connectivity for possible rollout. Has anyone successfully deployed
> SOGo+Openchange+Samba4 while still leaving Samba3 in place? Our setup
> currentlystands as: PDC, mail, webmail/SOGo etc are all separate machines
> with mail being a secondary domain controller with backup LDAP. Any pointers
> are very welcome.
> --
> Donny B.

Does Samba3 support trusts (Windowstrust)? If so, you maybe should
explore a migration path with trusts in mind. Samba4 does support
trust to a certain extent (see
and https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba/Status#Feature_Status).
Microsoft, on the topic;
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc731404.aspx. Does Samba3
support SID-history?

The idea is, with a trust in place you could recreate all user account
in Samba AD DC, tie the old and the new account together with
SID-history and let the users log on to Samba AD DC-realm while the
computer accounts still are member of the old domain during migration.


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