On 6/18/2014 7:00 AM, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
Also - I'm curious what you and/or others who are using [my][postgre]sql or mariadb have set for


Are there any connection tuning (preferably sql related, but I imagine the number of connections SOGo requires is similar or the same regardless of what backend is used) recommendations for SOGo anywhere? Searching the install doc for 'connection' didn't reveal anything.

How about a more specific question for the SOGo devs.

How many connections does SOGo use for each user, and how are they counted?

For example, is it one connection per user? Per user per shared resource (calendar, address book)?


Charles Marcus
I.T. Director
Media Brokers International, Inc.
678.514.6224 | 678.514.6299 fax


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