On 9/9/2014 10:10 AM, André Schild <an...@schild.ws> wrote:
If you need support for older MS outlook versions, then you need the following:

Install samba+openchange on the sogo server.
These components integrate with Sogo and allow native access by outlook.

Or the fork of 'GetOut' announced here back in March...
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Hi all,

I would like to announce GetOut - fork of the Funambol Outlook connector:


We extensively use SOGo in our company and syncing Outlook's contacts and
calendar (especially Outlook 2013) to SOGo was the last piece which didn't
work fine. Since it seems that Funambol company focuses on their
OneMediaHub project and no longer releases new versions of Funambol server
and Outlook connector, I decided to fork their Outlook connector v10 and
develop it as alternative. Currently the main differences from original v10
connector is Outlook 2013 support, new (and hopefully better) build system
based on CMake. All stuff related only to OneMediaHub was removed and
GetOut will serve only as a program which sync Outlook's PIM data.

The GetOut currently works with SOGo & Funambol v10 server but in future I
plan to add support for CalDav and CardDav protocols to avoid Funambol
server at all and sync Outlook directly with SOGo (note that I wasn't able
to find any open source CalDav/CardDav connector for Outlook). I hope this
project can help to build truly open source groupware without need of
proprietary 3rd party modules.

I'm really sorry if this advertisement is inappropriate for this ML.

Best regards, Adam

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