Hello everybody, and excuse my English. If you don't mind, I start explaining
my scenario. I have a  postfix servers, as MTA and another as MDA. I have
another machine running rounduce (nginex), sieve, dovecot , mysql, ldap and
davical. Everything works like a charm.

On thunderbird we use lighting and sogo integrator to access calendars and
contacts. The problem come from Outlooks clients. I've been looking for a
plugin which works in outlook, but are non free and the purchased try doesn't
work fine.

Here comes sogo, and I start getting lost. As far as I understand sogo allow
outlook connect to daviCal, or provide its own calDAV and cardDAV, which can
be accessed by outlook (natively)  and thunderbird's plugins. After reading
the installation manual, it seems to be a complete solution, but what I need
is install "this missing component" in the middle of my infrastructure to
provide access to outlook.

So, please, could anyone help me, in this mess of concepts about sogo, calDAV,
cardDAV and daviCal?

Thank you

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