great, Christian . . .

I'm moving from openldap to mysql/Samba

I had thought I'd create users in Samba (Samba has a mysql db) there's only a few, so it's not too difficult to do it manually, and other than address books, calendars and mail, there's very little to transfer

really only one office calendar and 6-8 users with mailboxes, so not too difficult to duplicate

we're moving from Ubuntu 12.04.1 to 14.04.1 and replacing openldap with Samba domain

On 12/17/2014 11:08 AM, Christian Mack wrote:
Hello Steve Ankeny

This will move all data related to SOGo settings, calendars and address
Your user source information and postbox/IMAP content is not included.
How you transport that, depends on the kind of source you use.
1) stop openldap on old server
2) export with
slapcat -n 0 -l ldapConfig.ldif
slapcat -n 1 -l userBackup.ldif
3) move these 2 files to the new server
4) import them on the new serverwith
slapadd -n 0 -l ldapConfig.ldif
slapadd -n 1 -l userBackup.ldif
5) start openldap on new server

1) get a dump with
mysqldump --opt ${USER_DATABASE} > userBackup.sql
2) Move this to the new server
3) import it with
mysql < userBackup.sql

Also don't forget to move your sogo.conf to the new server;-)
(And change your settings for MySQL, IMAP and SMTP according to your new

Kind regards,
Christian Mack


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